Group Detox runs November 21 - 25
Before you give up on your healthy habits and give in to the sugary treats of the holidays (pumpkin spice EVERYTHING), there’s still time to drop some weight, get more energy and get your glow back. .
I am Raluka, a Certified Holistic Health Coach and, I know there’s so much confusing advice out there about how to help your body detoxify while not starving, feeling sucked of energy and still look great.
I know what it’s like to try every diet that’s out there, including detoxes that limit what you can eat to just a few items or force you to drink nothing but liquids for days.
That might work for some people, but truth be told, it’s never worked for me. This as I like to eat real foods while spending time with my family and I hate counting calories and feeling deprived.
As the seasons change, we’re given a great opportunity to check in and re-assess how we’re doing with our health goals.
Are you experiencing any of the following?
- Excess weight around your belly
· Sugar or salt cravings on a regular basis
· Skin blemishes and breakouts
· No being able to think straight or feel like you have brain fog
· Late afternoon energy crashes
· Waking up still feeling tired
· Feeling like you’ve lost your glow
If so, it might be time for a gentle whole foods detox! Even when we eat really clean foods, we’re exposed to toxins in our environment all the time, not to mention the toxins our own body produces and those can really put a kink in our weight loss goals, in our mood, in our sleep, level of energy and the quality of our sleep.
This program is perfect for you if you’ve never detoxed before, and it’s especially right if you’re nervous about what might happen to you during a detox. And no need to say this is perfect if you detoxed with me before and would like to enjoy a new season :-)
The 5-Day Detox really works because:
Now here’s the big question. Why detox in the first place?
Well, I used to think detoxes were only for health nuts and celebrities (think Gwyneth Paltrow, Sarah Jessica Parker or Jennifer Aniston). Then, I started learning more about nutrition, about our bodies’ physiology and about the environmental and our own bodies’ toxins we’re exposed to on a daily basis. It’s really intense! Did you know that according to scientists we carry, on average, 700 toxins in our bodies? These chemicals have been linked to all kinds of damage including gut health, insulin resistance, cancer, high blood pressure, memory problems, immune dysfunction, attention deficit disorder, and more.
Yes, our bodies do work to detox on their own, and they do this through four primary organs: the lungs, the kidneys, the skin and the liver. The challenge comes when our bodies get exposed to more toxins than they can process out, which is happening to all of us every day.
When our bodies get overexposed to toxins, our liver does the best job it can to protect us, and it does this by wrapping those toxins in mucous and storing them in fat cells. EEEW! The problem with that is when we have toxins stored in our fat, they get eliminated when we lose weight and at some point in time we reach a plateau and can’t burn that fat until we release and process the toxins! The reality is that no matter how much you exercise, eat right, and manage your stress, you won’t be able to lose that stubborn fat until you support the detoxification pathways to get rid of those toxins for good.
Join me between November 21 and November 25 so you can reset your eating habits, focus on eating healthy whole foods, and learn how to feed your body what it really wants.
The 5-Day Detox is perfect for you if:
· You’ve never detoxed before
· You’ve detoxed before, but you’ve found that hardcore raw, vegan and juice cleanses don’t really work for you
· You’re busy and don’t have time for a longer detox program
· You want a gentle but effective detox
· You’re looking for a whole foods detox program
· You want to clean out your system before the holidays hit
· You ready to hit the reset button on your eating habits
Many people have participated in the 5-Day Detox for Beginners. Here’s what a few of them had to say:
Here’s what’s included in the Fabulicious Detox - The Fall Edition:
And just for signing up I want to thank you by giving you a bunch of bonus gifts:
The Fall 5-Day Detox kicks off on NOVEMBER 21 and...
You’ll get everything listed above for just 69 USD !
But... I have a SURPRISE for you! This program is FREE for you when your friend enrolls!
Send me an email at [email protected] as soon as your friend enrolls by clicking the link below and I will enroll you for free!
Got questions?
Great. I’d love to help you figure out if this is the right program for you. Send me an email at [email protected] and I’ll get back to you ASAP.
Hugs and healthy eating,
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Disclaimer & Terms of Use: Medical Disclaimer: This information is being provided to you for educational and informational purposes only. It is being provided to educate you about how to take care of your body and as a self-help tool for your own use so that you can reach your own health goals. It is not intended to treat or cure any specific illness and is not to replace the guidance provided by your own medical practitioner. This information is to be used at your own risk based on your own judgment. If you suspect you have a medical problem, we urge you to take appropriate action by seeking medical attention.
Copyright © Raluka Popescu 2022 | All Rights Reserved